Ice Cream and Hot Weather! Check out two ice creams that are 5- gram Counter Carbs on Step 1 of Diane Kress’ Metabolism Miracle. DELICIOUS……

halo ice cream picture

Diane Kress recommends Halo Top Creamery AND Enlightened Ice Cream! Low carb, high protein, low calorie ice- cream that tastes like regular ice cream!

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As my readers know, I very seldom recommend brand- name products. I reserve my recommendations for products that go over and above in terms of Nutrition Facts and Ingredients for those who have Metabolism B. They also fit seamlessly into the Metabolism Miracle program.

Metabolism B …. there is a good chance you have this genetic predisposition to over-production of the fat gain hormone; insulin.

Over 60 percent of adults have uncontrolled Metabolism B.

They may suffer from:
progressive weight gain
midline fat
increasing cholesterol
blood pressure
insulin levels
liver enzymes
decreasing Vitamin D

They experience:
belly fat, midline fat, or muffin top
carb- addiction
“carb coma” after a high carb meal
mild depression
impaired focus and concentration
decreased libido
scattered thoughts

At some point, they begin to gain weight even while following their old “tried and true” diets. Their self-esteem decreases and they feel like they’ve failed because they can’t lose weight and regain health no matter what they try. They are walking a slippery slope and need fast and long- term help.

You can read about uncontrolled Metabolism B at

Released on May 31, 2016: THE METABOLISM MIRACLE, Second Edition (silver cover); the NY Times Best seller and World Wide Best- Selling Book.

You will learn all about Metabolism B and the lifestyle program to control it and eliminate all the symptoms listed in the previous paragraph. Links to the book through are below. It can also be purchased at your favorite brick and mortar bookstore, like Barnes and Noble.


Ice cream. Yummmmm. It has always been a “no- no” for those who are trying to lose weight/fat, or have conditions such as metabolic syndrome, pre diabetes, type 2 diabetes, PCOS, overweight/obesity, weight-related medical conditions.

Oh, there is low calorie ice cream, low fat ice cream, “Sugar Free” ice cream and more. But those with uncontrolled Metabolism B find that these “supposedly diet” products are contributing to their progressive weight gain and carb cravings. Low calorie, low fat ice creams contain a significant amount of carbohydrate. In some instances, regular ice cream is healthier for the person with Met B than diet ice creams.

And now….an ice cream miracle! Halo Top Creamery ice cream and Enlightened ice cream seamlessly match The Metabolism Miracle program.

½ cup is a 5 gram Counter Carb and can be used as a 5 gram choice at any meal or bedtime!

Halo Top Creamery or Enlightened Ice Cream are perfect for your desire for a summer-time ice cream treat AND perfect for those with Metabolism B. (over 170 million people in the US alone!).

Why am I taking time to recommend Halo Creamery Ice Cream and Enlightened Ice Cream?

There are very few ice cream/ice cream products that contain 5 grams or less net carb grams. Why is 5 grams of net carb so important? This carbohydrate amount has a very slight impact on blood glucose and insulin release. It is a magic number. Both Enlightened Ice Cream and Halo Top Creamery ice cream contains 4 or 5 grams net carb!

Some low carb food manufacturers make low carb claims…. even going so far as to say “5 grams net carb” on the front of their packaging. But a look at the product’s Nutrition Facts easily shows that making the pronouncement of 5 grams of net carb is BOGUS.

The real formula to determine net carb grams:

Total carbohydrate grams – dietary fiber – grams of erythritol = net carb grams.

Erythritol is the ONLY sugar alcohol that can be subtracted from total carb grams. So, if the sugar alcohol in a food product is any other like mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, polyols….it CANNOT be subtracted from total carb grams to determine net carb grams. Only erythritol can be subtracted!

The ingredients show that the product is sweetened with ERYTHRITOL, ORGANIC CANE SUGAR, ORGANIC STEVIA.

The Nutrition Facts show:
Total carb grams – dietary fiber – erythritol = net carb grams
14 grams total carb – 5 grams dietary – 5 grams(erythritol) = 4 grams net carb! (these 4 grams net carb are from the cane sugar but the amount of net carb grams is 4 grams net carb. It’s 5 grams or under per ½ cup!

And the taste is incredible. I promise that it tastes like real ice cream!

Vanilla Bean
Lemon Cake
Birthday Cake
Mint Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Mocha Chip

Where to buy Halo Top Creamery Ice Cream?

Where to find Enlightened Ice Cream?

So, all followers of The Metabolism Miracle program or anyone watching carb gram intake….try this product. Quality ingredients, great taste, accurate Nutrition Facts based on ingredients, and 4 or 5 grams net carb per ½ cup!

Diane Kress’ The Metabolism Miracle, Revised Edition!