Wowee Wow Wow….Cheddar, Caramelized Onion, and Mushroom Stuffed Burgers (on burger buns!!!) are Neutral on The Metabolism Miracle.


This delicious stuffed burger on a NEUTRAL burger bun from The Great Low Carb Bread Company! Yes, the burger AND the bun are neutral. The Great Low Carb Bread Company’s bread products, buns, rolls, bagels, soft pretzels, pizza crust, pasta and so much more; delivered to your door!

Check out all the offerings at:


Serves 4-6 burgers ADJUST SERVINGS


2 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, thinly sliced
3/4 tsp salt
1.5 lbs ground beef
1/2 tsp ground pepper
4 oz shredded Cheddar Cheese
2 tbsp butter
8 oz mushrooms, sliced
Pinch salt


To caramelize the onions, heat olive oil in a large saute pan over medium low heat. Once hot, add onions and sprinkle with salt.

Cook slowly, stirring frequently, until a caramel brown color and soft, about 20 minutes. Do not let them get crispy. Reduce heat if necessary to keep them from burning or crisping.

Keep saute pan for cooking mushrooms.

For the burgers, combine beef, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Mix by hand to combine well and divide into 4-6 even portions.

Take half of each portion and form into a thin patty. Top each thin patty with some of the cheddar and onions, then top with remaining half of each portion and form around cheese and onions, into one large patty.

Cook burgers on pre-heated grill about 5 to 6 minutes per side for medium; slightly more for medium-well. Meat should register at least 130°F (55°C) on an instant-read thermometer for medium well. I cook until inner temperature is 140F for well-done. Remove from grill and let sit 5 minutes.

Cook mushrooms while burgers are grilling. Add butter to saute pan and melt over medium heat. Add mushrooms and a little salt and saute until mushrooms are browned on both sides and tender.

Place burger on bun bottom

Layer mushrooms over cooked burgers and serve.

Can you imagine adding some lettuce and tomato and placing your burger on a Neutral Great Low Carb Bread Company burger roll? Neutral….hot off the grill!

Looking for more incredible Metabolism Miracle recipes? Check out The Metabolism Miracle Cookbook by Diane Kress.