MCT OIL….”Should I add this to my coffee for health benefits?”

MCT oil

Hello Diane,

What are your thoughts on MCT oil?  It seems like it would be a good idea to add to coffee in the AM- but it is a fat- but you’re supposed to burn it quickly and seems like it has good benefits.

Hi R,

MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride oil), a type of  non-animal based saturated fat,  is a product of coconut oil and palm oil.  By fractionization, the MCT in coconut and palm seed oil is separated and the end product is a more concentrated source of MCT than the individual oils.  MCT oil does not contain essential fatty acids.
Years ago, pediatrics was among my areas of focus at a teaching hospital.  At that time, infants with uncontrollable seizures were prescribed a ketogenic diet.  Because they were infants, their ketogenic diet needed to be liquid in form and easily digestible/absorbable.  We added MCT oil to their individualized formula to increase fat intake in an easily digestible/absorbable form.
There is nothing magical about MCT oil, but 40 years ago it was used on the ketogenic diet which was used for seizure control.  It is an expensive product.
Fast forward to today.  Those who are touting the benefits of the ketogenic diet recommend adding MCT oil to the diet, even recommending adding it to coffee in the morning.   I don’t see the benefit of adding additional fat to your coffee or any other food.  People following the KETO diet use MCT oil as a hook to the ketogenic strategy that encourages limiting appreciable carbohydrate , eating mostly fat, and forcing the body to run on fat.
Fat itself causes a feeling of satiety (fullness).  MCT proponents claim that MCT oil decreases appetite…but so does any added fat.  If you are following a ketogenic diet, adding MCT oil will enhance fat burning.  If you are not living on ketones, added fat is added fat!
When you add 1Tbls of MCT oil  you are adding about 130 fat calories to your intake.    Your body will have to burn these 130 fat kcals before it will burn your body’s fat stores.  So, for anything other than a strict ketogenic diet, adding MCT oil makes no sense.  Save your money.
Bulletproof MCT oil:
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 tbsp (15ml)
Amount Per Serving
Calories from Fat 130

Calories 130

% Daily Values*
Total Fat 14g
Saturated Fat 14g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 0mg
Total Carbohydrate 0g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 0g
Protein 0g


  • Decreased pancreatic lipase, decreased bile salts
  • Defective mucosal fat absorption (decreased mucosal permeability, decreased absorptive surface)
  • Defective lymphatic transport of fat (i.e., intestinal lymphatic obstruction)
  • Severe malabsorption


There is no need to follow a ketogenic diet to lose weight/fat, improve glucose, hypertension, hyperlipidemias like high cholesterol and triglycerides, decrease insulin, increase Vitamin D.  There’s no need to follow a strict diet for the rest of your life to have boundless energy, focus/concentration, no carb cravings, hormonal balance, decreased fat on the body, in the blood, between the organs, and in the liver.


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